The customer said to me - “X Company has offered us Premium Support Free for Life.”
It was really tough to win Sales when the Customer is offered Freebies by competition that we couldn't offer. I knew it won't benefit him. I said -
“I am sorry but as a company policy, we cannot offer it Free. We are offering the best service to ensure customer satisfaction.”
But I lost many Sales. Why?
I was fighting a Stronger emotion of 'Getting more in less investment' with a defensive response that failed to change his perception.
I figured I needed a -
- Short & Not defensive response that
- Passes the right message &
- Change perception
Idioms helped me crack the code.
I changed my response to -
“There's no such thing as a free lunch”
“I am sure, it must be coming at a cost of something else. I heard that product quality is questionable. It has been mentioned to me by customers who have upgraded from X to Us.
And Boom. I had their complete attention.
I researched popular Idioms to handle various sales situations as:
- The customer has the wrong impression of your product.
- Customers compare your Product with cheaper competition & more..
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Page also gives you access to -
List of Wrong Questions to Ask in Sales Meetings
List of Negative Words to avoid in Sales Meetings
List of Spam Words for Email Marketing
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Sales Meeting Preparation Tips & more...
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