I was great with product Knowledge but I could not use it to sell my products & services.
I knew I was failing to influence Buyers but I didn't know why and more importantly how can I fix it, until one day...
when I went back to listen to the videos of top leaders. It helped me identify what was missing...
"Persuasive Language."
It was never about my product/services. It was all about my persuasive language that could double mine sales.
And 'Power Words' are one of the main elements of Persuasive Language.
Yes, Power Words such as 'Because', 'You' & 'Style' completely upgraded my Sales Communication to Next Level.
- Before I used to say "This is a Great Car."
- Now, "This car will be great for You because it has the style you want."
This helped me
- Motivate & Persuade more customers,
- Influence their buying Decision
- Grow Sales Conversions from 15% to 70% &
- Grow to Higher Sales Positions of Director - Sales & BD
Good News. I have made a list of Top 50+ Power Words that work for every product, service & industry and will help you take your Sales Game to Next Level.
Would you like a copy? Click here to claim your FREE copy.
Remember : Ebooks are Available to Download towards the Bottom of the Web Page.
Page also gives you access to -
List of Wrong Questions to Ask in Sales Meetings
List of Negative Words to avoid in Sales Meetings
List of Spam Words for Email Marketing
Linkedin Most Popular Hashtags
Sales Meeting Preparation Tips & more...
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Remember : Ebooks are Available to Download towards the Bottom of the Web Page.